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Atari wants to open gaming hotels in at least eight US cities

Planned locations to include VR and AR experiences, esports venues

Though it's still heads-down on its upcoming console, Atari is now tackling its comeback attempt from another angle by making themed hotels.

Today, the gaming brand and hardware manufacturer announced it was partnering with strategy group GSD Group to build eight "Atari Hotels" across the US. The first is planned to break ground later this year in Phoenix, Arizona, assisted by real estate developer True North Studio. Additional locations are planned in Austin, TX, Chicago, IL, Denver, CO, Las Vegas, NV, San Francisco, CA, San Jose, CA, and Seattle, WA.

The hotels are expected to all include VR and AR immersive experiences, while select locations will feature gaming venues and esports event spaces.

"When creating this brand-new hotel concept, we knew that Atari would be the perfect way to give guests the 'nostalgic and retro meets modern' look and feel we were going for," said GSD Group partner Napoleon Smith III. "Let's face it, how cool will it be to stay inside an Atari?!"

Atari's other recent major endeavor, its Atari VCS console, was last announced to be in the final stages of pre-production following multiple delays. It is currently planned for a March release.

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Rebekah Valentine

Senior Staff Writer

Rebekah arrived at GamesIndustry in 2018 after four years of freelance writing and editing across multiple gaming and tech sites. When she's not recreating video game foods in a real life kitchen, she's happily imagining herself as an Animal Crossing character.