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EA defends "sluggish" PS3 game

Electronic Arts has defended the performance of the PlayStation 3 version of its forthcoming Madden NFL 08 game.

Electronic Arts has defended the performance of the PlayStation 3 version of its forthcoming Madden NFL 08 game.

The latest title in the massively popular sports franchise was described as "sluggish" on the platform, in comparison to the Xbox 360 version which moves "twice as fast."

A statement from the publisher pointed to the relative amount of development time that has so far been available, with the Xbox 360 launched so much earlier.

"In the case of the next-generation consoles, many publishers have been developing titles for the Xbox 360 for over three and a half years while everyone who publishes now for the PlayStation 3 with the exception of Sony has been developing for the PlayStation 3 for only a little over one full year.

"The differences in the overall knowledge of the hardware is vastly different for both consoles and, as is the case with newer technology, it is very difficult to get it right the first time."

The original review in USA Today stated that "On the surface, the releases on 360 and PlayStation 3 look identical."

"However, when you stack them head-to-head, it's clear which is better. Madden on 360 is fast and fluid, thanks to a sharp jump in frame rate that allows the game to move twice as fast."

"PS3 owners, unfortunately, are greeted with a Madden that is sluggish in comparison. Action stutters far too often, particularly on injuries, penalties and turnovers."

Madden NFL 08 was released yesterday in the US, and will be on shelves in the UK on August 24.

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