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Five former Ubisoft executives arrested after sexual harassment investigation

Serge Hascoët and Tommy François among those in custody

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Five former executives from Ubisoft have been arrested by French police following a year-long investigation into sexual assault and harassment within the company.

French newspaper Libération reported that three were arrested yesterday, with another two placed in custody today.

Among those arrested are former chief creative officer Serge Hascoët and ex-VP of editorial and creative services Tommy François.

Both left the publisher in Summer 2020, following allegations of widespread abuse, harassment and discrimination within Ubisoft, including claims against the two executives.

The arrests followed complaints by the Solidaires Informatique union and two victims in the summer of 2021. It is being handed by the public prosecutor's office in Bobigny, a district of Paris.

Speaking to Libération, the plaintiff's lawyer Maude Beckers said the case goes beyond individual behaviour and "reveals systemic sexual violence."

GamesIndustry.biz reached out to Ubisoft. A spokesperson told us: "Ubisoft has no knowledge of what has been shared and therefore can't comment."

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James Batchelor


James Batchelor is Editor-in-Chief at GamesIndustry.biz. He is based in Essex and has been a B2B games journalist since 2006