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Nexon OC shuts down

Company says studio's in-development projects didn't fit with overall focus

Nexon has shut down its Orange County, California studio, impacting an unknown number of employees.

The closure was mentioned by several former employees and other local games companies (including InXile) on Twitter today, with Nexon confirming the closure to VentureBeat.

"We deeply appreciate the commitment and output of the OC team, however projects in development there no longer fit with our focus on core creative competencies," Nexon said in a statement to VentureBeat.

"All permanent employees impacted by this decision will receive severance and outplacement assistance."

It is unknown how many employees were impacted by this decision, though at the time this article was written, 60 people listed Nexon OC as their current place of employment.

Nexon OC was advertising new remote positions as recently as two months ago. The studio had not yet announced any projects it was working on, though based on job descriptions and tweets from employees it appeared to be working on a PC project made in Unreal 4.

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Rebekah Valentine

Senior Staff Writer

Rebekah arrived at GamesIndustry in 2018 after four years of freelance writing and editing across multiple gaming and tech sites. When she's not recreating video game foods in a real life kitchen, she's happily imagining herself as an Animal Crossing character.