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Report - Supercell closing $100m funding round

Company valuation set at around $800 million

Latest reports suggest Clash of Clans developer Supercell is currently closing a $100 million funding round and now boasts a valuation of $800 million.

Venture Partners, Atomico and Index Ventures are the reported investors with 15 per cent to 20 per cent of the company sold.

"We simply will not comment on market rumours, we've never really done that and will not do that now."" Supercell spokesperson Heini Vesander told Techcrunch, who broke the story, but GamesBeat reported it had verified the story with "multiple sources at the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco."

In 2011 Supercell raised $12 million in funding with Accel Partners and spoke to GamesIndustry International about the pressures that investment could bring.

"Firstly, the investors are in it for the long term, they're not in it for short-term win," said CEO Ilkka Paananen.

"That's a good starting point. I would say it creates some good, healthy pressure and there's people you are responsible for. But definitely, everybody is in this for the long term and that's really important for us."

Last October revealed it was grossing over $500,000 a day from its two iOS titles Clash of Clans and farm sim Hay Day.

GamesIndustry International has contacted Supercell for comment.

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Rachel Weber

Senior Editor

Rachel Weber has been with GamesIndustry since 2011 and specialises in news-writing and investigative journalism. She has more than five years of consumer experience, having previously worked for Future Publishing in the UK.
