Archive (Page 4420)

  • Watch: Turning Animal Crossing into a TV chat show

    Rogue One writer Gary Whitta shares the origins, ambitions and successes of his show Animal Talking, a TV-style chat show conducted entirely within the hit Nintendo game, Animal Crossing

  • Watch: Why are there no James Bond games?

    Developers and publishers discuss the challenges and hurdles they face when licensing IP for interactive entertainment, the risks involved and why some of the biggest entertainment properties are no longer being translated to video games

  • Watch: Empowering gamers in licensed world

    Developers and publishers identify which elements of popular franchise like Jurassic Park, Ice Age and The Walking Dead translate to video games

  • Watch: Making games with TV and film techniques

    Developers reflect on how TV and film techniques are used to make live-action video games, as well as the views from actors on how the production process differs between the mediums

  • Watch: How subscriptions are changing entertainment

    Discussions on how susbscriptions services have changed consumer behaviour and company strategies in TV and film, and how this might apply to video games

  • Watch: What TV can learn from YouTube

    Outside Xbox shares the secrets to successful video coverage of the games industry and its most popular titles, and how this approach might apply to TV

  • Watch: Bringing The Sims to reality

    EA discusses the creation, inspiration and ambitions behind its new reality show: The Sims Spark'd