
Master the video games industry with our guides. Cheat codes from the experts.

Being an effective people manager in the games industry

Attilio Carotenuto shares the lessons he's learnt from being in a managerial position and how you can create the best environment for your reports to thrive

Attilio Carotenuto

How to successfully run a remote studio, and make it last

Roll7 head of people Nisha Minhas shares the OlliOlli studio's tips for building a strong studio culture when people don't work at the studio

Brendan Sinclair

Are your game monetisation techniques going to remain legal?

Lewis Silkin's Fleur Chenevix-Trench and Nick Allan go through the recent EU and UK consumer law changes that game developers and publishers should be looking out for

Fleur Chenevix-Trench, Nick Allan

How to be a great leader at a games company – without going bananas

No Brake Games' Sitara Shefta shares advice on how to best support your team, and enable them to support you

James Batchelor

The GI Academy Zone at EGX: Full schedule detailed

Experts from PlayStation, Larian Studios, Rare, Media Molecule, Sports Interactive, Rebellion and more will be on hand to offer advice and review portfolios

James Batchelor

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